You can now join the Ethics Bowl team – our nationally-competitive, ethics-oriented, debate-style experience – and get full course credit! No experience necessary! In Fall 2017, Prof. Spino is offering PHIL 3386: Ethics Bowl.
The course will be an advanced applied ethics course taught with a focus on specific case studies created for the regional Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl. Students will have the opportunity to engage with ethical problems on wide ranging topics, such as social and political ethics (e.g., gun control, national health care), global issues (e.g., economic globalization, global warming), personal responsibility (e.g., local activism), and academic topics (e.g., plagiarism, academic freedom), to name only a few possibilities. Work on the case studies will allow students to improve not only their research and writing ability, but their oral communication skills as well. Much of the course will involve structured, in-class debate. The course will prepare students to participate in a regional Ethics Bowl (held in mid-November in Indianapolis) as part of the UA-Little Rock Ethics Bowl Team. While participation on the Ethics Bowl Team will be encouraged, it will not be required.
![2016 Ethics Bowl Team](
2016 Ethics Bowl Team in Indianapolis
The course does not have any specific prerequisites, but instructor consent is required. Contact Dr. Spino at before registering. For more information about the Ethics Bowl team, click here.
It will also be possible to participate in the Ethics Bowl team even if you can’t enroll in the course. Contact Dr. Spino for more information.
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